Saturday, July 22, 2017

Core of the true Self

"Only by digging deep down to the core of the true self
can we come to a place of inner certainty."
Marian Deegan

The particles of information we place in our minds are all based on someone else's opinion.  We take these niblets and customize them to be more easily absorbed into our individual way of thinking. One word might be mistaken for another, but when adjusted the wording is fluent.

If we truly want to know who we are at the core, one must use education and cross referencing to determine what we want to hold dear.  "Does this resonate with me, " we may ask our selves.  Information not aligned with our sense of being, needs to be stacked on a pile outside of ourselves.

Challenges of life come dressed in costumes, giving us varying ways to respond to the same challenge.  If aware, we can build our inner certainty upon the lessons learned, holding them close and discarding the rest.  This process is repeated throughout our journey developing our spiritual strength.

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