Friday, July 14, 2017

Random Message or Messenger

"Don't be indifferent about any random idea that occurs to you 
because each and every idea is for a particular purpose.  It may 
not be beneficial to you, but can be what others are craving for."
Michael Bassey Johnson

While searching for inspiration or guidance, we forget our own words may have importance to someone else.  We seek our messenger, forgetting we are a messenger in our own right.  Ideas or places floating into our consciousness may be vitally significant for one other.

While driving, I noticed a symbol written on the side of a large semi.  A few hours later, I saw the same image on a billboard.  As the day was ending, I was reading a novel and there was a reference to this same thing.  I contemplated on an anchor, but it simply did not resonate with me.  

Just prior to bed, a frustrated friend called me, as she could not decide on a symbol for a portion of her work.   Without thinking I said, "An anchor,"  as that is what had been waltzing around in my head all day.  She laughed with glee, "That is perfect!  Thank you so much."  We just never know.

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