Thursday, July 6, 2017

Step Away

"The secret of an abundant life is to expand it
with more beginnings so that the universe can
fill your world from many directions."
Debasish Mridha

Life offers us many options, but fear or negative thinking blocks our expansion.  We may love our work or build pleasure in favorite hobbies, but there are many more avenues to travel to broaden concepts of personal growth.

We can recall an activity we yearned to experience, but the timing just wasn't right.  It is exciting to unearth those early desires and bring them into the present.  If painting on canvas drew attention, and it seems impossible now, treat our imaginations by visiting an art studio of museum.  Earlier hopes may need a little kindling.

There is a woman who every morning upon opening her eyes, says:   "God, bring me something new today."  Throughout the day, she keeps both her mind and imagination open so she will not miss the new directive from the Divine.  She has shared that sometimes it is a new recipe to be shared with a friend or it might be listed in the newspaper as a creative gathering.  When we step away from under our labels, we are open to the prompts life provides.

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