Sunday, July 30, 2017

Star Light, Star Bright

"Night never needs a shade
but it requires to fade
into the grin of twinkling stars
where light is just a glint of scars."
Munia Khan

Staring at a night time star, I yearned to be connected.  My eye contact was secured pleading for a response from the singled out star.  I remember thinking I could escape into the star and spend hours, returning to earth with the loss of a minor minute.  

My eyes began to funnel the star's light, allowing it to pour into my body like  liquid brilliance.   A bridge was formed much to my delight and I knew I had returned to wallow in the sense of an original home.  The stream of star light increased in speed and I realized, it indeed was falling upon me.

Mesmerized, the star energy poured through my expanded human form.   The light grew larger with increasing speed.  I was encased by love and trust, never afraid.  In the last few moments, the streak of light streaked over me and I was encased in bliss.   The next day's news would report a meteor had fallen from the sky.

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