Sunday, July 9, 2017

Into the Soul

"The eyes are the most powerful social signalers 
that we have and hence are sometimes called
'the windows of the soul' " 
Glen Wilson

Our eyes are like a delicate lens in a camera.  We take snapshots and retain then in our memory.  It can be a look of longing, disappointment or confusion that flashes before our eyes.  The body language instantly supports or conflicts with the expression the eyes have silently spoken. 

The young woman smiles confirming a request while caught in her eyes is the word no violently flashing.  The man says, "I will call you soon," but in his eyes, he is running far away.  "I never loved him anyway," the scorned lover replies with her eyes filling with grief. 

Eye contact gives our secrets away.  Our body language may be displaying strength, but eyes will reflect our tired hearts or our unwillingness to stay.  The way we stand may show surrender, but our downcast eyes are looking for retreat.  If we really want to see to the core, we must look through the eyes into the soul.

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