Friday, June 21, 2013

Awakening to Personal Power

“Once the soul awakens, the search begins and you can never go back. From then on, you are inflamed with a special longing that will never again let you linger in the lowlands of complacency and partial fulfillment. The eternal makes you urgent. You are loath to let compromise or the threat of danger hold you back from striving toward the summit of fulfillment.”

John O'Donohue
Anam Cara:  A Book of Celtic Wisdom

It is believed by many that our souls are waking up to discover a Divine Presence within us, shifting us into a different way of embracing our world.  It is becoming apparent to many that the power once needed to govern new territories has become a weapon used to manipulate and control for an outcome of greed.  It is no longer a simple act of safety, but an act for personal gain.

The souls that are awakening are not focused on external power.  They are discovering the power within themselves.  They are discovering unique gifts and talents allowing them to be compassionate, accepting and respectful to all peoples.  They are not competitive and exclusively looking for private gain.  Everyone wants to prosper, but not at the cost of repressing others.  These awakening souls are finding God in everything and everyone, so extending harm is not their answer.

Awakening can happen over a very long period of time.  We can be aware of it and ignore it until it pesters us enough to finally respond.  When we awaken, we feel a personal power, not to be used over others, but to be used to fulfill our life's purpose.  For others, awakening can be a very potent spiritual experience. 

If we choose to be fully awakened and alter a time worn belief system, we move from being a five sensory human being into a multi-sensory being.  We recognize the presence of the physical but also the non-physical.  We begin to lose our sense of separation and feel connected to all there is.

Throughout history, there have been awakened souls, but they have been a minority escaping to monasteries or living in exclusion.  The awakened soul today realizes the need to not only discover gifts and talents, but the necessity to share the gifts and talents with others in order to help them follow their own hearts as well.

When like attracts like, kindred spirits can be a source of encouragement, receptive listening, or a way-shower.  The light we all carry within begins to beam brightly attracting other light of those who are also dedicated to honesty, respect, and calm. 

According to Gary Zukav in his book, SPIRITUAL PARTNERSHIP, the generation coming into the world today are already awakening and by the time the following generation arrives, the world will be using personal power on the basis of supporting each other with our gifts and talents rather than manipulating and controlling for personal gain.

"A pipe dream," one may think, but it is a beginning to be believed in.  Improvement must be made to delete the violence of man and his selfish thinking.  Increment by increment, we all can change if we choose to and I do so hope we all will choose. 

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