Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Deep Breathing in Still Water

God leads me to still waters
that restore my spirit.

Psalm 23 

While in the water, we stand still so the water will remain calm.  In the still waters, we can see the sand beneath our feet more clearly.  The sand has accumulated all of our past hurts, pains, and sorrows.  When we splash around, making waves, we lose sight of what is important.  Our vision blurs and our thoughts become fragmented.

When our feet are grounded into the sand and the water is calm, we can examine what might be bothering us or what action we may need to take.  If we stand still long enough, our understanding of the situation will grow more clear and our direction will become apparent. 

Relationships will cause ripples in our water, as people try to reach out and help.  It is wise to remain standing still until the water once again calms.  By doing so, we will begin to understand our depth, feel the tide tugging at our feet, and watch the water flow. 

Breathing deeply and slowly assists us while trying to be calm when waves appear.  It will give us time to let the waters settle and maintain our line of thinking.  Breathe in imagining the cleansing water washing away the old.  Experience a pause at the end of the inhale, then breathe out all of the stress and anxiety.  Take notice of the depth of the heart and its rejuvenation.  The water and deep breathing will align our body, mind, and soul.

(Writing based on thoughts from Mark Nepo's, THE BOOK OF AWAKENING)

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