Friday, June 28, 2013

Seeing the Difference

"O God, help me to believe the truth
about myself
no matter how beautiful it is!"

Macrina Weiderkher
Benedictine nun

It is amazing how quickly we believe the negative about ourselves, even when we know it is untrue.  It is equally amazing how long it takes us to find it the beauty within our selves and how difficult it is to embrace it. 

We ease into our awareness when we embrace the beauty in others and in all of life.  It is a bit more challenging to perceive everything as a reflection of our selves.  Unfortunately this includes the weaknesses right along with the strengths.  It some how takes our weakness to appreciate our strength.  We tend to take our personal strength as common and not unusual when in reality, we all are uniquely gifted.

In his book, THE SEAT OF THE SOUL, Gary Zukav (a favorite male author other than Mark Nepo and Alan Cohen) references the difference between external power and internal power.  Our culture grooms us for the need to manipulate and control others at the cost of our personal integrity and denial of true nature.  When we bring our focus on cultivating our own strengths in an effort to enhance not only our lives, but the lives of others, we begin to feel internal power. 

We each have a unique gift with the responsibility of sharing it with our community and our world.  As we devolop our skills to enhance our offerings, we are no longer in competition or threatened by others.  When we learn to balance our selves with multiple perspectives, there is no driven need to be right or wrong.  There is just a drive to 'know' and understand. 

When we place our faith and trust in the Divine and activate our internal power, we attract others endeavoring to enhance themselves ... The Universal Law of Attraction.  When we disengage from people not supporting our creative process or not having the highest good as their intention, we feel stronger in facing the challenges before us. 

In time and with practice, we learn to observe the beauty within our own nature.  We begin to see all of the beauty in the world.  As we focus on the positive, we impact our selves and others creating healthier communities ... physical, mental, and spiritual.  Individually and together, we begin to see the difference.


1 comment:

  1. Love the photo and the blog. The reflection of sun on water looks like a cross revealing Gods divine love.
