Saturday, June 29, 2013

Courage, Compassion, and Integrity

 "Keep a vigil.
Stay awake in the garden.
Hold to the light.
Revere goodness and integrity and truth."

Marianne Williamson

Inside my office, I placed three small hearts above the door.  The first was for courage, the second was for compassion, and the third was for integrity.  When a  client sat in my office, they were facing me with their backs to the door.  I was facing them giving me total vision of three inspiring  hearts.  I would frequently encourage individuals to maintain their courage, compassion and integrity.  As I was doing this, I sometimes would ask myself, "Are you listening to what you are saying?  Do you practice what you preach?"

Courage has been steadfast in my life, although there has been times when I have been too weak to use it.  Frequently I acquiesced to the demands of others.  Courage at times was an unmovable boulder, too heavy to carry and too large to walk around.  With insight and healing, I learned to carry a small stone in my pocket as a reminder of my courage being so strong, any barrier would appear to certainly be a small rock.

It has always been easy for me to have compassion and it seems to be extended to all things.  Once several years ago, I came out of my down town office to find all the the lovely trees in the courtyard had been sawed off at the base and removed to allow workers to replace sidewalks.  I was overcome with grief and sorrow for the beautiful trees that had been seemingly slaughtered.  I felt as though I were looking at a battlefield. I hold the image still.

My definition of integrity is who you are when no one is watching. Although I did not have this definition as a child, I held the sense of the word within me, helping me to get through challenging times.  When I was falsely accused or it was assumed I had committed some dastardly childish act, I would quietly hold on to the emotions inside, reminding me I was good and God knew the truth. 

So I have learned to stay awake in the garden, nodding off just here and there, but I hold on to my light, to keep it shinning brightly both for myself and for others.  I cherish goodness and honesty in the hearts of others as I carry compassion and courage with a willingness to share.  It is integrity, however,  guiding my internal spirit in all things seen and unseen.

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