Monday, June 10, 2013

To Look Deeply

To know someone deeply
is like hearing the moon through the ocean ...

Mark Nepo

Relationships are the teachers of many lessons.  If we do not exchange experiences with others, we curtail our lessons and personal progress.  Friendships can bring heart break and disappointments, but they can also offer a safe haven.  We will never know unless we try.

There is nothing as comforting as looking into the eyes of another and realizing they have had the same experience.  Sometimes friends simply understand us so well that they relate to our struggle even though they have not experienced it themselves.  Our friends really do not have to have the perfect response or the best solution.  Just by being present with us and witnessing our challenge can be all we need at the moment.

We may feel we are the only ones experiencing such a challenge, but in reality, we all have challenges.  They might look differently, but they serve the same purpose.  So those who have gone before us, who have struggled up life's mountain and are successfully standing at the top, can encourage us and cheer us on;  however, we still must carve our own authentic path. 

Being understood  can be the best remedy for any situation.  To look deeply into some one's eyes and find acceptance and compassion can make all of the difference.  Words of encouragement and honest reflection help us to see the depth in other people's eyes.  We will only know this if we dare to open our hearts. 

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