Sunday, June 9, 2013

Deciphering Dreams at the Imagine Foundation Gallery Hop


Deciphering Dreams
Imagine Foundation
Gallery Hop
 Jacksonville, Illinois

ARTICULATING SILENCE, DECIPHERING DREAMS, and  EXPLORING INNER LANDSCAPES, have been three areas of my expertise for quite some time.   On the evening of June 7, 2013, I participated in the Imagine Foundation's Gallery Hop in Jacksonville, Illinois offering opportunities for people to decipher their dreams.  I attended the event with Teri Freesmeyer (Intuitive, Medium and Healer extraordinaire) and a new friend Ellen (Tarot Card Intuitive).  Other vendors were artists, jewelers, and other small cottage industries like bath salts, natural soaps, and oils.  It was well attended and extremely beneficial for me to attend.

As a small child, I experienced very vivid and intense dreams.  I had a recurring dream for many years until the meaning was finally untangled much later in life.  In college, I explored dream work through psychology.  My passion for understanding dreams laced throughout my life.  I was always working with dreams of friends, neighbors, and then friends of my children.  I have studied
dreams for many years, making my first debut presentation at Open Doors for an all day workshop.  Since then I have made additional informative talks and presentations on this subject.  I find dream content to be extremely intriguing and reflective.

While attending this event for the Imagine Foundation, my desire to work with dreams grew more intensely.  It is an amazing experience to listen to a person tell their dream with anxiety or perplexity, and then through discussion watch their face become filled with peace and wonderment.  There is much to be learned by deciphering dreams, as they reflect what we repress, fear or desire.

Dreams are a visual language and we all dream every night.  Most of us just don't remember, but we do all dream.  In addition, we frequently day dream which can be vitally important as well.  By understanding these sequences, we can gain better insight into our subconscious minds.

At this time, therefore, I am offering a new addition to my services:  Deciphering Dreams.  I have created a new e-mail address (  ) so people can send me their dreams for interpretation.  There is a charge for each dream, so a phone number must be included to secure payment.  Dreams remain confidential and further consultations can also be arranged. 
I welcome the opportunity to be a guest speaker for small or large gatherings.  (Fees will be determined)

I believe it was Edgar Allan Poe who said,  “All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream.”  Curious?   Send me a dream e-mail: .

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