Monday, June 24, 2013

One Small Place


"What was done in the past is done
and it is over now.
This is the present time,
and you now have the opportunity to treat yourself
the way you wish to be treated."

Louise L. Hay

Today is a new day and we can choose to begin our life anew.  It is one thing for others to treat us poorly, but to treat our selves poorly is totally unacceptable.  If we treat our selves without respect why should any one else address us respectfully?  If we do not honor our personal code, why should any one else? 

Boundaries and limitations for our selves as well as for others need to be clarified.  I believe there may be a book entitled "Where You Stop and Where I Begin."    In order to know our own limitations, we must pay attention to our body, mind and spirit.  We need to know who makes us feel good and who sucks our energy right out of us.  We need to be mindful of how much we can physically do before we are exhausted.  We need to know these things prior to navigating out in our world. 

If we feel as though we have no life of our own, then we need to push our boundaries further out  allowing our selves more space and limiting time with others.  We can be more mindful about using our voice so others know when enough is enough.  When we are ready for more participation in our lives, then we can pull our boundaries closer in, allowing others to approach.  Boundaries and limitations need to be flexible so they can be adjusted for different situations. 

Our desires must be formulated and retained crystal clear and to do so, one must spend time alone to truly discover what is in their heart.  We can take an active part in our life, working with the Divine attracting like energy to our selves.  If we just sit back and wait for our desires to come to our door step, we will receive random deliveries hardly appropriate ... junk mail.  If we care about who and what or where we welcome people and activities into our personal lives, we need to be specific in our intentions. 

If we know our likes and dislikes, we can spend our time earnestly nurturing our selves.  If we are longing for someone to bring us flowers, go to the store and purchase our own flowers.  If we are yearning to eat at a new Thai restaurant, invite a friend and go.  It is false thinking when we depend upon someone else to provide our pleasures. 

Every day is a new day.  Every day we have the 'choice' to begin again.  No matter how miserable we find our lives to be, there is one small place ... if we look for it ... where we are welcomed to begin again.

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