Monday, June 17, 2013

Robin's Egg Blue ... Throat Chakra

"The robin lays a distinctive powder-blue egg.  This color is a color that is often used to activate the throat center in humans.  This is a center associated with will force and creativity.  The robin egg reflects the innate ability to assert the will force to create new growth.

Ted Andrews

While walking yesterday, I watched an array of color float by me in the shape of birds.  I seem to always see Cardinals which always remind me of my once mother-in-law who was a very impressive woman, now deceased.  I also came across a powder blue Robin's egg that had fallen to the sidewalk and cracked.  My first reaction was to feel sadly for the poor little bird who would not survive, but my second wave of thought was wondering what the egg symbolized. 

When I returned home, I immediately found my Ted Andrews book which in an invaluable dictionary for all creatures great and small.  I knew that a Robin was a symbol for spring and for new creation.  While reading, I was reminded of the song the Robin sings.  The book states we all have songs that we need to be singing.  It frees our soul, lifts our spirits, and increases personal empowerment. 

There are seven main chakras or vortexes of energy in our body, spaced up and down our spine.  The fifth chakra is the throat chakra representing our ability to speak our most inner thoughts and honor our personal wisdom.  For instance, if someone has a sore throat, he or she may ask,  "What am I not saying?"  Either in the professional or personal arena, we frequently do not speak our truth.  This causes disharmony within our body, mind, and spirit.

Currently, I am venturing out with Deciphering Dreams for others.  Dreams contain information reflecting our feelings, fears, and desires.  I have always had a broad information about dreams and have studied interpretations.  I kept dream journals for 6 to 7 years learning amazing things about my self.  So now Spirit seems to be nudging me to share this ability with others.  I am being called to use my throat chakra in new ways.  I need to speak out what I know in an attempt for others to understand themselves.  So this new creative attempt is very exciting, but also challenging. 

I am thankful for finding the little blue egg to encourage me to articulate my silence and share what I know.  Spring is here and I am called to sing my song supporting new creative efforts.

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