Thursday, June 13, 2013

Unaccountable Time

"I think I can,
I think I can,
oh my yes,
I think I can."


We seem to wander in a wilderness, wondering where we are to be led, and waiting for some sense of direction.  We eventually come upon a clearing with a sunburst of ideas.  We begin our quest, scaling the mountain of challenge before us.   At midpoint,  we find our selves wondering if we really are on the right path.  We try to overcome our doubts by healthy self-talk of "I think I can."  We miraculously reach the peak, but only briefly enjoy the thrill of accomplishment as we assess our ability to stay balanced on the top. 

The options are numerous.  We can back slide, only to be required to repeat our journey.  We can attempt to stay on the peak, but find our selves pushing others away as there is only room for one.  We can carefully choose a path down the other side of the mountain which seems equally as tenuous and somewhat discouraging.  The best option would be to fly!

Divine Spirit tends to nudge us to the edge and then pushes us to take a trusting leap into the depth of our life.  Trust is increased as there is no safety net beneath us.  We allow the wind to blow away our fear so we can concentrate on the brilliant stars in the sky.  The moon tends to encourage us to pick a star, any star, where we can safely rest.  Settling on the star we like best, we are allowed to dream our dream or make our wish.  In this slice of unaccountable time, we can see how to change our experiences from ordinary to extraordinary.  We feel the support of the entire Universe.

The star free falls from the sky and we gently absorb the energy and light on our spiraling ride down.  Back on our own two feet, we feel like running with joy, filled with anticipation for what is yet to come.  We hear our selves chanting, "I think I can, I think I can, oh my yes, I think I can!"

(Thoughts inspired by readings from SOULWORK by BettyClare Moffat)

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