Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Gifted Book from New Orleans

The truest owner of a Library is he who has bought each book for the love he bears to it; who is happy and content to say,—
" Here are my jewels; my choicest material possessions."

Frank Carr     

Book cases are filled with books in my computer room.  Then there are smaller book cases in other rooms with still other books loitering on counter tops or coffee tables.  There are more books I have read through my iPad more for entertainment than enlightenment.  Then still  there are my daughter's she has shared as must read books.  So it is easy to tell that I am an avid reader with an array of books from childhood to adulthood.

Many others feel the same way about books.  I know this as my daughter sets a fine example as do the women in my writers group entitled, "THE BOOK WHORES". 

At writers group, we were discussing our writing rituals.  We were trying to give each other ideas as to how to better define them.  One of the members is quite spunky and feisty, animated and articulate, and one special published writer... (you know who you are).  We were laughing as she said she sticks her nose in a large archetypal book and breathes in the essence of all of the archetypes.  I was intrigued by such an idea.

For days I randomly searched through my collection of books, hoping to select the perfect book to inhale its knowledge.  I just could not find one that felt all encompassing.  I reluctantly gave up on the search.

Later in the day, I visited a friend of mine who just returned from New Orleans.  She is very dear to me as she entertains me in her sun room which is filled with positive energy and loving light.  We frequently experience special moments together.

When the visit was over, Kathy said, "Oh wait, I have something for you."  She presents me with a book and I look at her questioningly.  She tells me while in New Orleans a vendor insisted she bring this book back home.  She handled the book and had no interest in it.  The vendor again implored her, "Please take it so I don't have to bring it back home!"  So she did. 

Holding the gifted book in my hand, browsing through the contents, I get goose bumps up and down my spine.  This is the exact kind of book I was looking for and simply didn't have!  Of course Kathy had no idea of the synchronicity of her gift giving.  I lingered in her home, telling her of the invisible and  magical grid linking us all together. 

THE INTELLECTUAL DEVOTIONAL, Revive Your Mind, Complete Your Education, and Roam Confidently with the Cultured Class was written by David S. Kidder & Noah D. Oppenheim.  There are 365 daily lessons from seven fields of knowledge:  history, literature, visual arts, science, music, philosophy, and religion.  The pages are filled with gifts from the ancients.  There are carefully written lessons blending the professional  accomplishments with the private antidotes of historical figures.  The past comes alive.

Not only am I grateful to my friend for being a vessel for Spirit, I am thankful for all she continuously shares with me.  As part of my morning writing ritual, I joyfully read one page in the mysterious New Orleans book.  I open my self to the old gathered thoughts and to intellectual  areas,  traveling wherever they take me. 

1 comment:

  1. At the time I accepted the vendors book I didn't realize it was really meant for you. I'm so glad you enjoy the book. May its pages become worn with use.
