Friday, June 14, 2013

Flags Stirring Emotion

I swing before your eyes as a bright gleam of color,
a symbol of yourself,
the pictured suggestion of that big thing which makes this nation. 

My stars and my stripes are your dream and your labors. 
They are bright with cheer,
brilliant with courage, firm with faith,
because you have made them so out of your heart.

 For you are the makers of the flag
and it is well that you glory in the making. 

~Franklin Knight Lane

In my heart, I see each of us holding one of these flags, being proud of our country for which it brings both opportunity and challenge.  I see us be-friending the world through education, respect and honesty.  Each of us are filled with courage and faith to make our selves and our country an honorable nation. 

I continue to hold dear the soldiers who have died and I linger over  the memories of soldiers I have known.  There have been several lost in horrific battle and there are others still facing horrific battles even though returned to their home.  I am grateful and thankful for the men protecting our country as well as their families making many sacrifices during the absence of their husband, father, brother and son. 

My dreams and my labors will continue to help one by one my family, my neighbors, and my countrymen to discover a power within inspiring hope and peaceful living.  War does not beget peace.  Violence does not create peace.  Enduring life changing physical and mental injuries does not create calm in the hearts of our men and women.

God bless America ... but I have this sinking feeling that God loves all of the children no matter where they globally live.  War is not God's doing, it is mans.

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