Saturday, June 8, 2013


We need to remember across generations
that there is as much to learn
as there is to teach.

Gloria Steinem
It is no longer common to be living in the same city or town as our parents, grandparents or extended families.  Many children do not have the opportunity to meet other generations except on rare occasions.  Curiosity has driven families to turn to genealogical societies to track the family's heritage. 
As young adults, we feel as though we are finally leaving our parents behind, but this is far from the truth.  We bring generational habits or behaviors unknowingly with us.  Many of the beliefs or patterns we carry are the very ones impressed upon us as children.  We may be holding fears of not having enough, unable to show affection, and patterns of secrecy.
By breaking the chain, we can stop negative influence from passing any farther.  We can replace old patterns through tolerance, love, and conscious awareness.  Eventually, the change in actions can help in  maintaining better health, higher self-esteem, and happiness.  Through honest exploration we can become aware of generational limitations, dysfunctional emotional patterns, and unrealistic values.  We must become aware of our need to change in order to successfully create a new generational pattern.
Negative family patterns may seem normal to us while we are living with our family of origin.  It is not until we get out into the world that we notice the difference between families activities and belief systems.  Changes in our society also cause us to alter traditions.  Sunday family dinners are impossible if we are living in other cities, states, or countries.  Even holidays may have to be celebrated on different dates in order to accommodate family members.  Not wearing a dress to church may be offensive to some or even attending a Saturday night Mass.
The first step in changing is giving our selves permission to do so.  We don't need to feel guilty or shameful when our life choices alter old patterns.  Each generation is a pioneer into a future and the individual generations will leave a history, both negative and positive. 
It is important to honor and respect our elders, and to maintain some family traditions.  There is much to be learned from the past, but there is much to be discovered for the future.  Life is but change and we will always find our selves moving forward if we wish not to be stagnant nor redundant. 
 (Writing prompted by DAILY OM written by Madisyn Taylor)

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