Monday, June 3, 2013

Dreams Illustrate

Dreams and Dreaming 

Dreams are illustrations...
from the book your soul is writing about you.

~ Marsha Norman

As a child, I had very vivid dreams, I would dream walk and  I had recurring dreams.  I had always been interested in the night time realm, and  I would frequently encourage others to talk about their own dreams, hoping to learn from their experiences as well.     Pajama parties or sleep overs were the perfect setting to obtain such information.

As I grew older, I read books about dreams and dream symbols.  My interest in dreams was never front and center so to speak, but it was always simmering on the back burner.  In college I achieved a double major in psychology and sociology.  While studying different aspects about psychology, more documentation regarding dreams came forward.  I deliberately set out to remember my dreams more accurately. 

While raising four children, there was very little time to explore inner landscapes, but numerous times when my own children and their friends would share their dreams.  I started helping them to understand what they could remember rather than be confused.  When I returned to my career, dreams became a back drop once again, but I did start recording my dreams.  For years, I created my personal dream journals.

As life unfolded, opportunities to speak about deciphering dreams became plentiful.  Joyful experiences of speaking in private homes or social clubs were readily available.  A friend of mine who was a therapist joined me in an endeavor to host a dream workshop.  The all day workshop was well attended and it was a very rewarding experience.  So rewarding, I have repeated this experience offering information, sharing many stories and giving examples for others to better understand dreams as well.

So in search of creating more opportunities to understand dreams, I have decided to offer my knowledge to others.  If you have a vivid childhood dream, recurring dream, or nightmare, please allow me to help you decipher your dream. 

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