Thursday, August 1, 2024

Taking Flight

"A dragonfly has many eyes, 
but it cannot see its own beauty."
Chinese Proverb

A dragonfly spends its first years of life under water until he decides to change his life by  climbing out onto a reed. It is on this reed that he leaves his old skin and stretches only to discover new wings. He takes flight experiencing a new way of living which would seem unbelievable to him if he were still living under water.

The life of a dragonfly is symbolic of our own lives. We live for stretches of time existing on a certain level before we are ready for change. Once the change occurs, we may never revisit  previous landmarks even though once secure. Building momentum, we bravely step into new dynamics discovering new aspects of ourselves. 

Stepping out of our comfort zone or breaking free from toxic living, requires us to trust in the unknown. With an open mind, we can consider opportunities that are far from expected. Like the dragonfly, we simply don't know what awaits us until we try. As we repeat this pattern throughout our human existence, we surely learn to fly.


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