Saturday, August 17, 2024

Silently Forward

"When we throw out the physical clutter, we clear our minds.
When we throw out the mental clutter, we clear our souls."
Gail Blanke

Every physical keepsake represents an experience either pleasant or painful. These items hold energy that stirs either pleasant or painful reactions. As we gaze around our space, our mind is silently reacting to each and every prompt impacting our mood.  Without necessarily realizing how these thoughts interrupt our clear flow of thought, clarity is clouded.

When we have clear space there is more receptivity to creative solutions. Rather configuring answers based on our damaging past or the frightening future, the critic is silent and our creative force opens to possibilities. Not making decisions forced by pressure, we ease into our freshly created space and welcome stimulating possibilities.

Imagine an eagle soaring in the sky or a deer gently passing through the woods. Both of them move silently forward without distractions. If we choose to recalibrate our energy with soothing surroundings, we will be more apt to breathe in guidance aligned with our more peaceful nature. 

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