Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Don't Believe Them



"Observe your thoughts, don't believe them."
Eckhart Tolle 

Early on, we were trained to minimize and repress our emotions. We were never to act upon our emotions and to believe in spoon fed information. There were times we experienced a discomfort as our emotion and facts collided, but the tendency to depend upon hard facts prevailed.  And now the collision returns on a greater level.

The energy right now is stronger than ever, propelling us into closer assessments. It is spinning away false debris and attracting perceptions that are removing old ways of thinking previously programmed into our psyche. Rather than separateness, connections are growing stronger stimulating personal skill and compassion.

While listening to the self, we slowly come to realize we are not our thoughts nor are we our emotions. We are an energetic force simply present in this time and place to explore and expand the experience of living in today's world. Perhaps our chosen field is not as important as our ability to love and liberate the self and others.

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