Sunday, August 4, 2024

Future Based On Present


"The future depends on what we do in the present."
Mahatma Gandhi

The importance of self nurturing spans over every element of life. When we prioritize feeding the body, mind and soul with positivity, we are more likely to experience a higher quality of life. Energy will be heightened, enabling us to be a better participant, recipient, and benefactor. 

With a stronger sense of self, we move through life with greater ease and clarity. We will not avoid challenges, but we will meet them head on with curiosity and creative solutions. Every aspect becomes a purposeful learning tool, Our bodies become stronger as does our mental health.

We begin to discern what needs to be eliminated or increased whether in regard to people, places or things. Determining what exactly supports us and what actions sabotage our efforts increases our clarity as to what patterns need to be removed. Realizing we have choice, accelerates our progress.

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