Saturday, August 10, 2024

One Up-Manship

"Strength lies in differences, not similarities."
Stephen R. Covey

Watching the Olympics clearly demonstrates the diversity in all countries. Easily, one notices the friendly camaraderie between differing country teams. My heart swells to see individual team mates support each other rather than creating a 'one-upmanship' atmosphere. Individually or working as a team, each strives to do their best.

An international business man recognized his exceptional success, but followed the statement admitting to depression, unmet personal goals, and lack of self-worth. If he had focused on his personal strengths rather than on expectations of others, he may have equally contributed to the world maintaining both wealth and health. 

When we plant a flower seed, our obligation is to care for it, protect growth from the nibbles of animals, water when necessary and when needed add nourishment to the soil. We don't tell it what color it needs to be or rip off leaves while demanding something different. Common sense, and yet we do this to our children, funneling them into our expectations.


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