Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Fish Out Of Water

"If you want something you've never had,
you must be willing to do something you've never done."
Thomas Jefferson

As soon as we feel uncomfortable, we may experience a nudge to retreat. Discomfort can initiate fear that there is something wrong. This is hardly the case. When we experience a shift, it is time to become curious as to what is waiting beyond our current routine. Change is not easily made, but the benefits will appear when we observe.

Glancing back over the past, we can recall numerous times we have felt like a fish out of water. Whether it is a new neighborhood, job, or relationship, we must be willing to adapt without fear overshadowing opportunity. Altering any situation requires us to be flexible, dropping rigid expectations.

It is helpful to look around our work stations or home environment or status with friends,  determining what needs to be refreshed. What steps can we take to bring a sense of newness that will activate a deeper appreciation for ourselves. When we alter rigid routines, new definitions spark our creativity and advancement occurs. 


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