Monday, August 26, 2024

Presence of Higher Self

"While Reiki can be used for relaxation and finding physical
and emotional balance, it also offers the potential to be a
powerful catalyst for spiritual growth by helping 
connect your inner self to your higher self."
Reiki Scoop

Just sit still while imagining light coming down from above, pouring all over you. Be like a sponge, absorbing all of it while it runs gently through your body. Feel this energy in light form seeping out of the bottoms of your feet and into Mother Earth. The body begins to feel almost buoyant. 

Being held in a state of calm, all body parts relax as well as the mind. A peaceful existence permeates and thoughts turn to the Divine. A subtle connection to all there is opens wave lengths for deeper communication. This light energy knows no boundaries and spills outside of physical form.

The human experience may be a cloak you wear over the energy field. It is used to experience this life form whereas the spiritual self is light, normally flowing and not bound by restrictions. When you are silently in light, the inner self grows in awareness of the presence of your higher self.

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