Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Facing Opposition

"What conversation will you be proud of yourself for having even if it doesn't end with the outcome you want? Go have that conversation."  James  Clear

Speak up and use your words. It is not about being right or wrong, but giving voice to what you believe in or personally hold true. Others may not agree with you, but they will have a stronger sense of exactly who you are. Negotiation and resolution are accomplished when the truth is being displayed on both sides of the table.

When you do not know how you feel, then say that. If you are pressured into a response then say no, while stating if you are allowed more time, the answer might be different. While facing opposition, you may not feel safe articulating and remain quiet. Try to jot down what unfolded and how you felt which releases stress from the situation.

Words are a flexible tool for making an impression upon your world. As you exchange them with other people, you heighten communication and understanding. If you feel invisible, encourage the use of your voice. Expression builds your character and attracts like minded people who other wise might pass you right by.

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