Sunday, August 18, 2024

Desired Sacred Space

"Your sacred space is where you can find yourself
over and over again."
Joseph Campbell

We honor our commitment to others, but do we honor our commitment to ourselves? We endeavor to not let family and friends down, but how often do we disappoint ourselves? We generously make time for family and friends, limiting the time to nurture and sustain our lovely selves. 

The advantage of maintaining a sacred space is that we can slip in and out rather easily. Whether simply lighting a candle for a brief moment or settling in to a meditative state, the familiarity creates smooth passage. Repetition ushers us naturally. Sometimes, we can simply close our eyes and be fully present in our holy place.

We may feel selfish when we hold our boundaries in place or experience feelings of guilt. Neither are valid reasons to relinquish the need to nurture and restore. If we desire to meet the needs of others, we must first strengthen the self. Be still, connect with the spiritual essence, and shine brightly with thanksgiving and gratitude.

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