Monday, August 5, 2024

Worthy of Attention


"Find the deepest meaning in every small thing you do.
Turn every routine into a ritual of gratitude and presence."
Vex King

When we choose to adjust our attitude, landscapes shift from ragged cliffs to mountain majesties. In each moment, we can find a particle worthy of our attention. We can be thankful for what we have right before us, as we maneuver towards a greater future. If we do not recognize what is to be learned in the present, it will return again and again.

Even while we stress the importance of being present, we must also be aware of our  surroundings ... people, places, and things ... as each contributes to the whole. Why is this person in my life? What is the reason for me being drawn to this location? Do I really need to have myself surrounded by unnecessary things?

As we discover value in our natural habitat, materialism fades. We are less concerned about things and more attracted by the beauty displayed in our life. Whether it is the face of an elder filled with wisdom or the animated face of a child, appreciation grows. Our desire to become a better person intensifies, resulting in quality space.

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