Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Lock Down at School ...

"Safety and security don't just happen; they are the result of
collective consensus and public investment. We owe our 
children, the most vulnerable citizens in our society,
a life free of violence and fear."
Nelson Mandela

Every parents nightmare, hearing there is a lock down at the children's  elementary school became a reality just a few days ago. Apparently a few schools received threats and the police rushed to the targeted scenes. My grandchildren responded with reactions practiced during 'gun drills'. They are ages 8 and 6 forced to experience a nightmare.

Their parents held safe space for the two of these beautiful souls to process their fright. The youngest was silent and clingy but the oldest quietly shared: "Today when we were in lock down ... and I thought I might die ... I wished you and daddy were there so I could tell you that you are the best parents ever.."

I am deeply grateful that my two kiddos have dedicated and loving parents to begin healing, but my heart hurts for all of the children who went home and were not allowed to process in healthy ways. I have concern for the unattended wounds of these children, and absolute fury towards the person who set this all into play.

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