Friday, August 9, 2024


"It is not our differences that divide us, it is our inability
to recognize, accept and celebrate those differences."
Audre Lord

There is a most welcomed shift occurring during this particular place and time. Rather than focusing on cookie cutter personas, individuality is becoming more prevalent. Rather than concentrating on previously established patterns, each one of us is looking inward to see what strengths we have to share with others.

Without a sense of outcome, we are calculating what individual impact we can make. Respecting our gifts, and offering them to the community, it becomes clear how we can work together. As we feed our soul, we grow into the individuals that are needed to bring a sense of unity, rather than division.

If we can no longer be threatened by the uniqueness of others, our patterns begin to compliment each other. With expanded understanding, we step closer together creating an environment  of peace. A butterfly does not feed off of just one flower. It savors a nourishing blend. We can do the same by honoring the presence of ourselves and others.

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