Thursday, August 29, 2024

Slow Down!


"Take a deep breath and focus on the simple important things."
Angel Azra

It is unhealthy to live in seclusion just as it is to live in the fast lane. These opposites contribute to our growth if kept in balance. Being mindful, we can regulate our physical well being preventing immobility or exhaustion. The same is true for our emotional health as we have a tendency to not monitor our fast paced brain.

To hold the self accountable, we begin to understand that where we place our focus contributes to our reality. As the captain on this voyage, we choose where our minds linger and for how long. Become aware of where we are spending time ... behind, in front, or in the present moment. 

The phrase, 'just for right now', helps us to stay centered. Literally, we can do very little to alter our personal past history and projecting into the future obsessively does not support emotional health. All we have is this moment before us and it is imperative for us to slow down and make each moment count.

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