Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Inner Space

"There is peace even in the storm."
Vincent van Gogh

Now, more than ever, the world seems to be swirling, spinning us off balance. Even when deliberately standing squarely on both feet, the winds of change batter us about. Making good choices based upon our own boundaries and needs, still does not protect us from the storms on any given day.

Real control comes from within, where we have created safe space, so that we can simply 'be'. Gaze into the setting sun, stare at the brilliant moon, capture the innocence beaming from the baby's face and bring all generated feelings inside. Hold the resulting emotions safely within creating a sense of peace.

When a sense of inner peace is created, we carry it around with us, having access at any given time. Visit it often, do not wait until desperation overwhelms us. Mentally, we sit in our sacred space feeling connection with all there is while beckoning the presence of whatever we deem holy. 

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