Monday, August 12, 2024

No Longer Quiet

"Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds.
Gautama Buddha 

The time is now. No longer can you remain quiet, hiding behind the clouds. People cannot see you clearly and it's time they did. It is time to come out of the darkness and face life head on. Refraining from living fully, benefits no one. Why would anyone want you to morph into stagnation?

What happened to the song in your heart? Where have your dreams gone? When did you get so heavy laden that you simply forgot the joy of anticipating dreams? It is never too late to begin and you can find the time if you put your mind to it. Perhaps adjustments will need to be made, but your life is waiting to be refreshed and renewed.

Look up at the moon and notice how it gently rises up through the darkness of the night. It crosses the sky with great contemplation and steady stride. Perhaps it is saying, "Here I am, no longer afraid and floating towards a new tomorrow!" Surely aspects of your lovely self will resurface and once again guide you on your way. 


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