Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Gratitude Timeline

"To have gratitude is to enjoy something twice:

Once when it happens

An once when memories arise."

Tahlia Hunter

Create the healthy habit of becoming grateful for everything that happens in life, not just the good stuff. It is a matter of being mindful while reaping rewards. Review the past and notice how things that at the time seemed disappointing, turned out to be rewarding. We can create a mindset of seeing the good in a situation no matter how unwelcome it is.

Whether a journal is kept or a check in with a friend, sharing what good happened no matter how small, can shift perspective. Lessening the drama also helps to maintain physical, mental and spiritual health. Everything is connected ... energy attracts like energy. So where we place our focus, sets the tone for the day.

When we add gratitude, things progressively become better. Gratitude lifts, while anger depletes. Memories can become our personal art gallery. Why litter the walls with dark splashes of disappointment when we can just as easily paint inner landscapes with vibrant gratitude? We can create a timeline of what  we are grateful for to keep our spirits high.

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