Saturday, August 3, 2024

'Beach Bum'

"Imagination will take you everywhere."
Albert Einstein 

My friends lovingly referred to her as the 'Beach Bum' as she dashed off to the ocean every chance she had. We teased her about worshipping the sun and flaunting her amazingly fit body. When she returned from the ocean, our 'Beach Bum' would simply be glowing. She oozed nothing but love and radiance.

Years later, illness entered her body and she became paralyzed. No more trips to the ocean and no more hours spent in the gym. No matter how often we visited, depression had settled in. Nothing would nudge her towards any degree of happiness. That is, until one day, she began the practice of visualization. 

No longer able to move, her creative mind recreated the 'Beach Bum'. By routinely closing her eyes, she recalled favorite snippets of memory. Soon she became a master at integrating herself into these visualizations to the point of feeling hot sand, ocean waves, and the radiance of the sun. She began to live again through her imagination


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