Thursday, August 8, 2024



"And in those imperfections in our reality are the seams and cracks
into which our oversized love can seep and pool."
Night Vale

Water, like emotions, can wear us down. With each forceful splash, a divide increases. We may choose to ignore it for awhile, but as the division widens, one can no longer overlook it. When we are too invested in the styles of others, authenticity declines and originality slows down in our thoughts, movements, and expectations.

As we separate from our previous security, we feel exposed and vulnerable. Unable to imagine what will come next, failure to notice new beginnings occurs. There is a need to persevere, slowly, so all parts can gently come together. Feel bolstered passing into new territory lined with adventure.

Often, we may experience a pause in our progress. Through meditation or visualization we can broaden concepts of what is yet to come. Using ritual, chanting, and prayer connects us with spiritual union. Take time to contemplate messages shared in dream time. Increase the sense of peace by visiting safe spaces that rejuvenate the soul.

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