Saturday, August 31, 2024

Stress, Anxiety, and Unhappiness


"Remember that stress, anxiety and unhappiness does not
come from what is happening in the world, but from our
thoughts about what is going on."
Tao and Zen

It is time to unpack the causes for my clenched stomach, stiff neck, and monkey chatter brain. My thoughts of fear and lack of control are seeping into physical symptoms. I am challenged by inability to face the violence in the world, hoping that if I stay perfectly still, all will be well. 

It is hard to accept that I do not have control in the happenings of the world, but I do have control as to how I react to them. If I choose to turn off the news, skip hateful posts, and restrict time spent with those who do not stimulate me, my personal power tends to expand. When outside forces appear, I can choose to be safe in my quiet space within.

Holding myself accountable, when I am ______ (fill in the blank), I have the ability to make corrective responses. Acknowledging my inadequacies, I can shift focus as to how I can gain  corrective measures and release my fears. It is said that we are what we eat, so perhaps it is also true that we are what we think.

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