Sunday, September 1, 2024

Thank You For Being You

"Thank you for being you."

Within my tribe, there are loving souls who selflessly lift my spirit. There is one who makes me laugh so hard, tears come to my eyes. Another has such compassion for all peoples, I want to try harder, too. Then one other pierces me with eyes of deep understanding. There are others and together, we form a bond that is irreplaceable.

When we gather, it is simply amazing how we each project differing opinions. It is through these diverse conversations that we stretch and grow. Judgment and criticism are absent, and inquiring minds are free to question and explore. It is perfectly acceptable to respond, "This, I truly do not know."

Individuals in my tribe are in different sections of land, but we all place our feet upon this sacred earth. We know we have been together before ... a different time and space. Our bond is not where we live or what clothes we wear. We are tied together by our heart strings. And to each one I say, "Thank you for being you!"


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