Thursday, September 12, 2024

At Day's End ...

"I might not know who I was yesterday or who I'm going to be tomorrow,
but I know who I am right now."
Sabrina Carpenter

Even though the sunset was so amazingly beautiful, I experienced a sadness tugging at my heart. My thoughts were heavily focused on the sinking sun, when they could have been  happily speculating about it's rising debut tomorrow. I realized the truth of this could be aptly applied to my perceptions about personal days as well.

At days end, the weight of things left undone can weigh me down, but if I choose to shift my thinking, excitement will fill new expectations! Effort placed into creating new patterns of thinking and fresh outlets for joy, result in producing higher levels of energy. With more energy, projects, goals and levels of happiness are easily attained.

Dismantling limiting beliefs, there is new found freedom in discovering who I truly want to be.. How exactly do I want to experience my world no matter what limitations face me?  My past no longer matters and who knows how much future remains. All the more reason to begin right now, not waiting for one more moment!

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