Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Loud Mouth?

"Communication leads to community, that is, to
understanding, intimacy, and mutual valuing."
Rollo May

There is a time to use our voice and to speak our truth in order to be seen and heard. Without communication, the distance between us grows distinctively broader and less accurate. To make a point, we do not have to raise our voice.The louder we are, the less we are heard. No one wants to listen to a loud mouth.

Communication is not limited to our verbal exchanges. Our friendly eye contact with  others and our helpful gestures often times speak louder than words. The more visible we are to others, the greater chance of creating community. Simple recognition between strangers enhances our daily experiences.

So our body language and the tones of our voice accompany what we are wanting to share with others. When we speak with love layered upon our tongues, less harm is done. Allowing ourselves to be known and learning about others decreases the division. It is not about agreeing, but about respecting each other's space.


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