Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Evolving Lightly


"It's dark because you are trying too hard. Lightly
child, lightly. even when you are feeling things deeply. 
Lightly let things happen and lightly cope.
Learn to do everything lightly. 
Let things happen."
Aldous Huxley 

Growing up in Chicago, I can remember sitting by Lake Michigan watching boats go by. Their movement calmed me and my mind could rest. At the time, I felt so much of my existence was used to process my day dreaming. Continuously caught aloft in thought, I was told I was wasting my time. Little did they know the depth of my thoughts.

To this day, I still process challenges in heightened visualization. Highly creative images surface and deeper wisdom emerges. Perspectives stretch and grow during these quiet and mesmerizing states. There is a calming and gentle flow now that allows me to view life without trying so hard.

It becomes clear to me, that my inner child becomes hyped up and races as fast as she can away from emotional confrontations. I can counter balance, thankfully, by allowing the presence of my higher self to gently settle in and restore peace. Lightly, I have learned to evolve lightly.

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