Monday, September 16, 2024

Loops and Spirals

"The whole Universe is based on rhythms.
Everything happens in circles, in spirals."
John Hartford

Life can consist of numerous positive and negative loops, allowing us to consistently repeat behaviors. If we experience an overwhelming situation, the anxious feelings can be repeated  in other arenas, creating a destructive pattern. Round and round we go, like the mouse running on a wheel inside of his cage.

The spiral is also a circle, but it is a coil setting us free. When followed inward, we discover a path leading us to deeper understanding about life and personal growth. Maintaining a curious mind, we connect the dots leading to parallel streams. Even when things are heart breaking, we travel deeper inside, gathering pieces of needed understanding.

Traveling within a spiral, we discover deeper levels of intuition that propel us through gradual or sudden change. Sure footed, we move beyond preconceived ideas. Healing rather than repeating, we gather momentum, Vibrational energy pulls the spiral outwards where we utilize our knowledge learned from within.


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