Sunday, September 8, 2024

Between Me and My Tree

"In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks."
John Muir 

Walking in the midst of trees, I slow down. My mind untangles and in the quietude, I begin to hear songs from birds, water rippling in a far away stream, and leaves dancing in the breeze. This somehow makes my heart swell, as I am transported back in time when energy flowed between me and my tree.

Early in childhood, living in a busy city, I found a singular tree that awaited me, standing tall and welcoming. Squeezing between buildings, I would promptly sit in front of my tree with my back feeling the bark digging into me. No language was spoken, but I certainly understood the communication between me and my tree.
Leaning in, I connected with the layers of the tree offering freedom to me.  The calm this union formed allowed my imagination to catapult into other realms. Perhaps these childhood experiences were introductions to the awareness of energy and vibrations I have grown to love. Yes, this was my safe space between me and my tree.

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