Friday, September 13, 2024

Ask and Receive ...

"Ask for what you want and be prepared to get it."
Maya Angelou

Right now, in this very moment, take a deep breath and close your eyes. Keep breathing deeply until you feel a sense of peace between your body, mind, and spirit. Bring to mind a lovely thought and creatively insert your lovely self within the space. Imagine all of the senses awakening and inserting life into this dream like vision.

In this imagined space of peace, feel connected with the outer world, spiritual world, and inner awareness. Fully embrace this sense of calm, experiencing tranquility. Releasing all boundaries, imagine what steps are needed to bring this vision into reality. Discern how to begin and what actions are needed.

No longer wait for a knight in shining armor, as you have a warrior spirit to move through boundaries that keep you from being free from thoughts of self-doubt or unworthiness. Remember who you truly are and utilize your gifts without comparison or self-sabotage. You get to be you only if you choose, so choose now and choose wisely.

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