Monday, September 2, 2024

Birthing Labors of Love

"There is no better life than a life spent laboring at love ...
exerting effort not because we have to, but because we
believe that what we are bringing into being is valuable."
Moira Weigel

Labor is hard work, followed by the rewards of birthing something valuable. There is attachment and connection as well as responsibility and accountability. Questions of being too little or too much hover throughout the process. In the midst of gestation we may wonder what we are doing.

Laboring demands a balancing act as we do not want to be overbearing nor do we want to be lack luster. We are also plagued by wondering if there will be flaws or malfunctions. Thoughts may also wander towards the amount we have invested and if there will be sufficient outcome.

They say 'anything worth doing is worth doing right' so we throw our body, mind and soul into our labor. Our body does the heavy lifting, our mind plots and plans, and our spirit pleads with Divinity for successful outcome. When it is all done in love, every birthing pain has been worth it! 

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