Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Reflecting The Universe

"When we look into our own hearts and begin
to discover what is confused and what is brilliant, 
it isn't just ourselves that we're discovering.
We're discovering the universe."
Pema Chodron

When life challenges us, we turn to outlets whether they are healthy or not. We tend to reach outside of the self for distraction rather than looking at what is triggering the sense of  disharmony. As our internal turmoil is viewed, the sensation of discord takes on a negative discoloration. Automatically, we want to bury it.

When perspective shifts from judgment to discovery, we begin to see parallels with the Universe. Lack of climate control ravages the earth, but the beauty of our world is never over shadowed. This aught to be true for ourselves. We may make poor decisions, but that does not make us a total failure.

Start on a personal journey exploring good qualities and enhanced life skills. Begin to perceive new ways to utilize them and take action. This does not mean we ignore pressing matters, but rather balancing them with activities that feed the soul. It is time to start recalling what we like about ourselves and brilliantly shine.

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