Monday, September 9, 2024

Bridge The Gap

"Sometimes I think I live in a gap between two worlds, one world
that I have to wake up to, to be adherent of the rules dictated by others.
The other world is sweet, fresh, and misting inviting adventure into 
the unknown, melding ancient wisdom with new discovery."
Ritta Klint

There came a time when I began to seek a bridge between my professional life and my personal existence. My private space was filled with spirituality that was not yet supported by the general public. With courage, I began to blend the two worlds together presenting in a manner in which I felt authentic and at peace.

With the ability to appear as my whole self, the division between politics, religions, and social groups grew to be even more apparent. I watched others slipping on a false mask only to be replaced by one more. I could only imagine the inner stress of never being able to simply be real. I was willing to run the risk.

We are responsible for selecting diverse people, various cultures, and intimate spirituality into our lives to enhance our experiences. If our true nature is hidden, we mislead others creating separation and facilitate the division between two worlds. Our beautiful energy will be scrambled by uncertainty, rather than magically reaching for the moon.

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