Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Opening To Divine Communication

"To walk safely through the maze of human life,
one needs the light of wisdom and the guidance of virtue."

Elements of devotion can be attached to numerous practices whether involving gods, goddesses, or wisdom figures. A connection with a mystic or spiritual guide is usually in pursuit of a closer union with the Divine. A developed devotion offers love, respect, kindness, service and a peaceful heart.

Opening to Divine Intervention on a personal level, we not only include ourselves, but also loved ones, enemies and all beings. We are called to forgive ourselves as well as others. We are challenged to see God in all peoples and treat them accordingly. We are challenged to open hearts to be seen and to see others.

We seek wisdom and guidance strengthening our spirit with the Divine. Whether using a rosary, mezuzah, or prayer, we request the blessing for the highest good of all peoples. Adding music to a practice, hearts open and frequently inspire a personal chant. In this way, we create a spiritual connection with all peoples, places and things. Namaste ...

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