Thursday, September 5, 2024

Not Giving Up!

"It takes a dream to get started, desire to keep going,
and determination to finish.'
Eddie Harris, Jr

Never give up on a dream no matter how much time passes. With a positive mindset, recall in detail how this vision first surfaced. Sit with it recalling intention and desires. Begin to feel the excitement with speculation as to how to restore this vision. Maybe circumstances have changed and going back is impossible, but what if positive movement was restored?

With patience and determination, anything is possible. Perhaps some elements need to be released, but surely there is no need to let go entirely. It takes courage and perseverance to creatively restore that which was once lifting our hopes and desires. Replace doubt and resistance with embellished versions of this dream needing to come true.

Step out of fear and into a comfort zone. Allow creativity to revitalize what was once hoped to bring vibrancy to life. Challenges will be inevitable, but face them with excitement and adventurous imaginings. Even when there is setback, get up and try again. Emergence of hope an joy will be the fuel for the excursion. 

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