Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Blurring Time

"The distinction between the past, present and future
is only a stubbornly persistent illusion."
Albert Einstein 

Viewing time as an illusion, being in the present is the optimal place to be. If there is no control over the past or future, all else is a waste of our energy. It is important to recognize the string running between our experiences not only in this life, but in past lives as well. Then of course there is the theory of parallel lives to be considered. 

We are made up of energy, so there is great flexibility with boundaries. From a spiritual view, timelessness helps us to understand the presence of spiritual guides or sensations from those who have left human form. It is through an energetic imprint that we can recognize others not in human form.

As the energetic field is recognized, it pulsates with universal laws and cosmic connections. We become aware that we are a part of a greater existence that offers liberal creative interpretation. We encounter other energetic souls stepping outside of oppressive limitations and begin to co-create with the Divine. Life dramatically changes.


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